AGRITRAD - Gérald Depriester - E-mail :
For a translation quote , please contact me by phone or fill in the contact form below :
DATA PROTECTION : Agritrad collects this information only to answer your question or your demand for a quote. Your personal data is not used for commercial prospection and will not be given to third persons. By transmitting it with your message, you ask to be contacted by Gérald Depriester, freelance translator under the trade name of Agritrad. According to the law of January 6, 1978, you have the right of access to your personal data that you can use by contacting Gérald Depriester, owner of the web site and responsible for the personal data protection. You also have a right of rectification, erasure and blocking as well as of treatment limitation and portability of your data that you can exercise by sending your demand to or in case of problems by lodging a complaint before the French National Commission for Data Protection and Liberties (CNIL).